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Why does it seem that my HTML does not access my javascript?

I am trying to make an image expand into a movable small window. The html is created with an xslt but here is the img tag that is supposed to expand when clicked. I have tried using an onclick="functionname()" but it says function is not defined.

<img class='AOIMapFir' src='/api/thumbnails/npsi?bbox={$aoi_min_long},{$aoi_min_lat},{$aoi_max_long},{$aoi_max_lat}&amp;width=100&amp;height=85&amp;layer={$identifier}_{$codeLVal}' onerror="this.setAttribute('src','/api/thumbnails/edcss?bbox={$aoi_min_long},{$aoi_min_lat},{$aoi_max_long},{$aoi_max_lat}&amp;width=100&amp;height=85');"></img>

this is the function in the javascript:

 NPSIMapPopUp : function(){

            appendTo: ".widget",
            title: "Area of Interest",
            resizable: false,
            position: {
                my: "center",
                at: "center",
                of: ".container"
            width: "auto",
            height: "auto",
            closeOnEscape: true,
            show: { effect: "blind", duration: 200 }
            "font-size": +10+"px",
            "background-color": "none"

I have tried using 'click .AOIMapFir' : 'NPSIMapPopUp' at the top of the js file but when I debug I never see it enter the function with anyway I have tried. Thanks for all the help!

<xsl:if test="cdpeenv:CE_Metadata/cdpeenv:resourceMetadata/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileInformation/gmd:MD_FileInformation/gmd:rasterTypes">
                                                        <li class="attr">
                                                            <div class="col1"></div>
                                                            <div class="col2">Raster Types</div>
                                                            <div class="col3">
                                                                <xsl:for-each select="cdpeenv:CE_Metadata/cdpeenv:resourceMetadata/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileInformation/gmd:MD_FileInformation/gmd:rasterTypes">

                                                                    <!-- shift the context to the lookup elements -->
                                                                    <xsl:variable name="raster_label">
                                                                        <xsl:apply-templates select="$metacard_label-top">
                                                                            <xsl:with-param name="curr-label" select="@codeList"/>

                                                                        <xsl:when test=". != ''">   <!-- If the element value is not null, display it. Else display attribute value. -->
                                                                            <xsl:value-of select="." /> - <xsl:value-of select="$raster_label" /><br />
                                                                            <xsl:value-of select="@codeListValue" /> - <xsl:value-of select="$raster_label" /><br />
                                                                    <xsl:variable name="rasterType" select="cdpeenv:CE_Metadata/cdpeenv:resourceMetadata/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileInformation/gmd:MD_FileInformation/gmd:rasterTypes"></xsl:variable>
                                                                    <xsl:variable name="identifier" select="/tdf:TrustedDataObject/tdf:HandlingAssertion/tdf:HandlingStatement/edh:ExternalEdh/edh:Identifier"></xsl:variable>
                                                                    <xsl:variable name="codeLVal" select="@codeListValue"/>
                                                                    <xsl:variable name="aoi_min_long" select="$current/cdpeenv:CE_Metadata/cdpeenv:subjectMetadata/cdpeenv:CE_Subject_Metadata/cdpeenv:CE_Coverage_Metadata/cdpeenv:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox/gmd:westBoundLongitude/gco:Decimal"/>
                                                                    <xsl:variable name="aoi_min_lat" select="$current/cdpeenv:CE_Metadata/cdpeenv:subjectMetadata/cdpeenv:CE_Subject_Metadata/cdpeenv:CE_Coverage_Metadata/cdpeenv:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox/gmd:southBoundLatitude/gco:Decimal"/>
                                                                    <xsl:variable name="aoi_max_long" select="$current/cdpeenv:CE_Metadata/cdpeenv:subjectMetadata/cdpeenv:CE_Subject_Metadata/cdpeenv:CE_Coverage_Metadata/cdpeenv:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox/gmd:eastBoundLongitude/gco:Decimal"/>
                                                                    <xsl:variable name="aoi_max_lat" select="$current/cdpeenv:CE_Metadata/cdpeenv:subjectMetadata/cdpeenv:CE_Subject_Metadata/cdpeenv:CE_Coverage_Metadata/cdpeenv:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox/gmd:northBoundLatitude/gco:Decimal"/>
                                                                    <img class='AOIMapFir' src='/api/thumbnails/npsi?bbox={$aoi_min_long},{$aoi_min_lat},{$aoi_max_long},{$aoi_max_lat}&amp;width=100&amp;height=85&amp;layer={$identifier}_{$codeLVal}'  ></img><!-- this works -->
                                                                    <div class="ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-draggable {$identifier}" style="display: none; height: auto; width: auto; font-size: 10px;" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-describedby="dialog" aria-labelledby="ui-id-1"><div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix"><span id="ui-id-1" class="ui-dialog-title">Area of Interest</span><button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only ui-dialog-titlebar-close" role="button" aria-disabled="false" title="close" style="font-size: 10px;"><span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></span><span class="ui-button-text">close</span></button></div><div id="dialog" class="hide-dialog ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" style="display: block; width: auto; min-height: 81px; max-height: none; height: auto;"><img class='aoi' src='/api/thumbnails/npsi?bbox={$aoi_min_long},{$aoi_min_lat},{$aoi_max_long},{$aoi_max_lat}&amp;width=400&amp;height=300&amp;layer={$identifier}_{$codeLVal}' onerror="this.setAttribute('src','/api/thumbnails/edcss?bbox={$aoi_min_long},{$aoi_min_lat},{$aoi_max_long},{$aoi_max_lat}&amp;width=400&amp;height=300');"></img></div></div>


The only way I ended up able to create a click event that worked was to bind the click function inside of the render function in the js file.

    [ 'sandbox', 'text!../templates/unitinfo.html',
            '../collections/metacards', '../models/metacard',
            'cdpe$/metacard-view', 'cdpe_config',
            'third/jquery.mCustomScrollbar', 'third/jstree' ],
    function(sandbox, unitInfoTemplate, MetacardsCol, Metacard,
            MetacardView, cdpeConfig) {

        var AppView = sandbox.mvc

                    unitInfoTemplate : sandbox.template

                    collection : new MetacardsCol(),

                    events : {
                        'click .close' : function() {
                        'click .mc-menu li' : 'switchTab',
                        'click .findUIC' : 'findUIC',
                        'click .newProjectBtn' : 'SubmitNewProject',
                        'click .entity-dropdown' : 'showEntityMenu',
                        'click .findMission' : 'findMission',
                        'click .oob-dropdown' : 'showOOBMenu',
                        'click .jstree-icon' : 'insertSearchIcon',
                        'click .AOIMap' : 'AOIMapPopUp',
                        'click .SAOIMap' : 'SAOIMapPopUp'


                    initialize : function() {
                        this.collection.bind('change:html', function() {
                                function() {
                                            850 - $(window).scrollLeft());
                                        function() {
                                                                    - 220
                                                                    + 'px')
                                                                theme : "cdpe-preview",
                                                                advanced : {
                                                                    updateOnContentResize : true

                    load : function(options) {
                        sandbox.logger.info('Loading Preview Content');
                        this.$el.css('display', 'inline-block');
                         * var model = new Metacard( { id: object } ), that =
                         * this; model.bind('change:html', function() {
                         * that.$('.content').html(model.get('html'));
                         * that.$('.mc\\.display').metacardView(); });

                    hide : function(object) {
                        this.$el.css('display', 'none');

                    render : function(model) {
                        var that = this;
                                $(window).height() - 220 + 'px')
                                    theme : "cdpe-preview",
                                    advanced : {
                                        updateOnContentResize : true

                        // this.$( '.mc\\.display'
                        // ).metacardView('setTabContent', { name:'oob',
                        // title: 'Order of Battle Hierarchy' , content:
                        // '<div id="oob_hierarchy"></div>'});
                            "json_data" : {
                                "data" : model.get('oob-tree-json')
                            "plugins" : [ "themes", "json_data", "ui" ],
                            "themes" : {
                                "theme" : "classic",
                                "dots" : false,
                                "icons" : true
                                function(event, data) {
                                    if (data.rslt.obj.data("unit-info")) {

                        // this.$( '.mc\\.display'
                        // ).metacardView('setActiveTab', { tabName: 'oob' }
                        // );
        >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $('.AOIMapFir').click(function(){

                    createExpandingAttrs : function() {
                        this.$(".attr.expand ul .toggle").bind(
                                function(event) {
                                    var topLine = $(this).closest("li");
                                    if ($(this).hasClass('closed')) {
                                                .addClass("open"); // toggle
                                                                    // plus/minus
                                                "list-item"); // toggle
                                                                // hidden
                                                                // lines
                                    } else {
                                    return false;

                    insertSearchIcon : function(evt) {
                        var treeExists = $('.jstree-icon').html();
                        var currentTarget = $(evt.currentTarget);
                        if (treeExists != null) { // Check to see if tree
                                                    // exists
                            var elementExists = document
                            zero = 0;
                            if (elementExists.length == zero) { // Check to
                                                                // see if
                                                                // button is
                                                                // already
                                                                // there
                                                function() { // If not a
                                                                // unit put
                                                                // button
                                                    var id = this.id;
                                                    if (id.indexOf("unit") == -1) {
                                                                        '<button class="oob-dropdown" id="oob-button"></button>');


                    getMetacard : function(options) {
                        // this.insertSearchIcon();
                                '<span class="ph">Loading</span>');
                        var self = this, model = this.collection
                        if (model && model.get('html')) {
                        } else if (model) {
                                    .info('Model html empty, attempting fetch from server');
                                error : function(model, jqXHR, options) {
                                    sandbox.emit('error', {
                                        action : 'initialError',
                                        jqXHR : jqXHR
                        } else {
                                    .info('Model not in local storage, fetching from server');
                            model = this.fetchMetacard(options);
                            if (model) {
                                model.once('change:html', function() {
                                    if (this.get('oob-tree-json')) {
                                        function() {
                                            if (this.get('html')) {

                    fetchMetacard : function(options) {
                        var metacard = (options && options.id)
                                && new Metacard({
                                    id : options.id
                        // metacard.fetch();
                        return metacard;

                    preview : function() {

                    toggleUnitInfo : function(node) {
                        var info = node.children('.unit-info');
                        if (info.length && info.css('display') === 'none') {
                            info.css('display', 'block');
                        } else if (info.length) {
                            info.css('display', 'none');
                        } else {

                    showUnitInfo : function(node) {
                        var unitInfo = node.data("unit-info"), obj = {
                            data : {}
                        }, a = node.children('a');
                        for ( var attr in unitInfo) {
                            obj.data[this.capitalise(attr)] = unitInfo[attr];


                    switchTab : function(evt) {
                        var tab = $(evt.currentTarget), pageName = tab
                                .data('page'), page = this
                                .$('.' + pageName), activePage = this.$(
                                '.mc-menu .active').data('page');
                        // if the tab is already active, do nothing
                        if (!tab.hasClass('active')) {
                            this.$('.mc-menu .active')
                            this.$('.' + activePage).css({
                                "display" : "none"
                                "display" : "block"

                    capitalise : function(string) {
                        return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase()
                                + string.slice(1);

                    findUIC : function(evt) {
                        var uic = $(evt.currentTarget).data('uic');
                        sandbox.emit("search-submit", {
                            query : uic
                        // function (e){
                        // var thumbContainer =
                        // document.getElementById("findUIC");
                        // var thumbnail = document.createElement("img");
                        // thumbnail.onload=function() {
                        // thumbContainer.appendChild(thumbnail);
                        // }
                        // thumbnail.src = "../apps/";
                        // }

                    findMission : function(evt) {
                        var queryData = $(evt.currentTarget)
                        var mission = "MissionAreaFacet:" + queryData;
                        sandbox.emit("search-submit", {
                            query : mission

                    SubmitNewProject : function() {
                        var proj = this.$('.projectTitle').text();

                        // var proj = node.data("projectTitle");
                        // var proj = node.data("projectTitle"), obj = {
                        // data : {} }, a = node.children('a');
                        // var unit_title =
                        // $(this.unitInfoTemplate(obj)).insertAfter(a);
                        // var proj =
                        // $(this.unitInfoTemplate(obj)).insertAfter(a);
                        sandbox.emit("edcss-add", proj);

                    addRowShading : function(html) {
                        var $mc = $(html);
                        $('.page', $mc)
                                        function(index, value) {
                                                                    value) {
                                                                if (index % 2 === 0) {
                        return $mc;
                    SAOIMapPopUp : function(evt) {
                            appendTo : ".widget",
                            title : "Area of Interest",
                            resizable : false,
                            position : {
                                my : "center",
                                at : "center",
                                of : ".container"
                            width : "auto",
                            height : "auto",
                            closeOnEscape : true,
                            show : {
                                effect : "blind",
                                duration : 200
                        // $('body').append('<img
                        // src="/api/thumbnails/edcss?bbox={$aoi_min_long},{$aoi_min_lat},{$aoi_max_long},{$aoi_max_lat}&amp;width=80&amp;height=80"></img></div>');
                            "font-size" : +10 + "px",
                            "background-color" : "none"
                    AOIMapPopUp : function(evt) {

                            appendTo : ".widget",
                            title : "Area of Interest",
                            resizable : false,
                            position : {
                                my : "center",
                                at : "center",
                                of : ".container"
                            width : "auto",
                            height : "auto",
                            closeOnEscape : true,
                            show : {
                                effect : "blind",
                                duration : 200
                            "font-size" : +10 + "px",
                            "background-color" : "none"
                    showEntityMenu : function(evt) { // Drop down menu
                                                        // for EDCSS
                        // Note: the message column in the logtransaction
                        // file size
                        // needs to be increased for the search related
                        // query to work (10000)
                        var btn = $(evt.currentTarget);
                        zero = 0;
                        minus = -1;
                        entityName = btn.siblings('span').text(),
                                entityMap = _.where(
                                        cdpeConfig.oobEntityMap, {
                                            "edcss name" : entityName

                        if (entityMap.length == zero) {
                            entityMap = null;

                        function getRelEnt(eMap) { // Pull each related OOB
                                                    // entity
                            if (eMap != null) {
                                var result = "";
                                var numOfObj = eMap.length;
                                for (i = 0; i < numOfObj; i++) {
                                    if (i + 1 == numOfObj) {
                                        result += '"' + eMap[i]["obs name"]
                                                + '"' + " OR " + entityName;
                                    } else {
                                        result += '"' + eMap[i]["obs name"]
                                                + '"' + " OR ";
                                return result;

                        html = '<div class="entity-dropdown-menu">'
                                + '<ul><li class="search-exact">Search Exact Text</li>';
                        html += entityMap ? '<li class="search-related">Search Related OOB Entities</li></ul></div>'
                                : '</ul></div>'
                        $dropdown = $(html);
                        // Prevents from double opening of same menu
                        btn.on('click', function(event) {
                            if (btn.find(".entity-dropdown-menu")) {

                                        function(event) { // Gets the menu
                                                            // to close when
                                                            // clicking
                                                            // anywhere else
                                            if (!$(event.target).closest(
                                                    btn).length) {
                                                if (btn.hasClass('open')
                                                        && $dropdown
                                                                .is(':visible')) {

                        (function() { // Sets the behavior of button/menu

                            var time = 1000, timer;

                            function handlerIn() {
                                $dropdown.stop(true).css('opacity', 1)
                            function handlerOut() {
                                timer = setTimeout(function() {
                                }, time);

                            $dropdown.hover(handlerIn, handlerOut);


                        var fixEntNme = entityName; // Replaces / with a
                                                    // space from the
                                                    // entityName to allow
                                                    // for searching exact
                                                    // terms
                        while (fixEntNme.search("/") != minus) {
                            fixEntNme = fixEntNme.replace("/", " ");

                        entityName = fixEntNme;
                        $dropdown.on('click', '.search-exact', function() {
                            sandbox.emit("search-submit", {
                                query : entityName,
                                resetFilters : true

                        $dropdown.on('click', '.search-related',
                                function() {
                                    sandbox.emit("search-submit", {
                                        query : getRelEnt(entityMap),
                                        resetFilters : true

                    showOOBMenu : function(evt) { // Drop down menu for
                                                    // JTDS

                        $(".oob-dropdown-menu").each(function() {
                        var btn = $(evt.currentTarget);
                        zero = 0;
                        minus = -1;
                        entityName = btn.siblings('a').text();
                        entityName2 = entityName.substring(1,
                        entityMap = _.where(cdpeConfig.oobEntityMap, {
                            "obs name" : entityName2
                        if (entityMap.length == zero) {
                            entityMap = null;

                        function getRelEnt(eMap) { // Pull each related OOB
                                                    // entity
                            if (eMap != null) {
                                var result = "";
                                var numOfObj = eMap.length;
                                for (i = 0; i < numOfObj; i++) {
                                    if (i + 1 == numOfObj) {
                                        result += '"'
                                                + eMap[i]["edcss name"]
                                                + '"' + " OR "
                                                + entityName2;
                                    } else {
                                        result += '"'
                                                + eMap[i]["edcss name"]
                                                + '"' + " OR ";
                                return result;

                        html = '<div class="oob-dropdown-menu">'
                                + '<ul><li class="search-exact">Search Exact Text</li>';
                        html += entityMap ? '<li class="search-related">Search Related EDCSS Entities</li></ul></div>'
                                : '</ul></div>'
                        $dropdown1 = $(html);

                        // Prevents from double opening of same menu
                        btn.on('click', function(event) {
                                    function() {

                                        function(event) { // Gets the menu
                                                            // to close when
                                                            // clicking
                                                            // anywhere else
                                            if (!$(event.target).closest(
                                                    btn).length) {
                                                if (btn.hasClass('open')
                                                        && $dropdown1
                                                                .is(':visible')) {

                        (function() { // Sets the behavior of button/menu

                            var time = 1000, timer;

                            function handlerIn() {
                                $dropdown1.stop(true).css('opacity', 1)
                            function handlerOut() {
                                timer = setTimeout(function() {
                                }, time);

                            $dropdown1.hover(handlerIn, handlerOut);


                        $dropdown1.on('click', '.search-exact', function() {
                            sandbox.emit("search-submit", {
                                query : entityName2,
                                resetFilters : true

                        $dropdown1.on('click', '.search-related',
                                function() {
                                    sandbox.emit("search-submit", {
                                        query : getRelEnt(entityMap),
                                        resetFilters : true

                }); // End AppView

        return AppView;

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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