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Full type names in QMetaMethod

Is it possible to receive full type names in QMetaMethod of return type and or argument types?


namespace N1 {
namespace N2 {
    class C1: public QObject {

class C2: public QObject {
  typedef N1::N2::C1 C1T;

  Q_INVOKABLE void foo(C1T c1); 

QMetaMethod method;

// some logic to find method void foo(C1T) of C2

auto name  = method.parameterNames(); // return "C1T"

auto name2 = C1T::staticMetaObjec.className()  // return "N1::N2::C1"

Is it possilbe to find out the full name of method's parameter name, not "C1T", but "N1::N2::C1", or at least "C1"? The same problem with namespaces, that if C2 is in N1 namespace and I use N2::C1 as an argument type, it returns "N2::C1", can I have "N1::N2::C2" ?

moc does not understand C++ type system. To moc, a type is a string, and is only equivalent to another type if the strings match. You have to stick to one way of representing the parameter type, and use that.

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