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ASP.net MVC drop down value auto select

Is there a way to set the drop-down to a selected value on form load? This code is used in ASP.net MVC4 using knockout.js

                    <select name="iResponseSource"
                        data-bind="options: sources,
                                optionsText: 'vchParameterDesc',
                                optionsValue: 'iParameterID',
                                optionsCaption: 'Select one...',
                                value: selectedResponseSource"

The value comes from Query string property(src), something like www.mysite.com/site/?src=86643

You can use your model or the ViewBag to store a value, and print that using Razor syntax:

<select name="iResponseSource"
                    data-bind="options: sources,
                            optionsText: 'vchParameterDesc',
                            optionsValue: 'iParameterID',
                            optionsCaption: 'Select one...',
                            value: '@Model.SelectedResponseID'"
<select name="iResponseSource"
                    data-bind="options: sources,
                            optionsText: 'vchParameterDesc',
                            optionsValue: 'iParameterID',
                            optionsCaption: 'Select one...',
                            value: defaultValue"

In case of javascript, in the JS file -

var defaultValue = ko.observable('');

defaultValue.subscribe(function (newValue){
    //Do validation

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