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MongoDB 3.0.1 problems with auth - RoboMongo

I have install MongoDB 3.0.1 in a server (Ubuntu14.04). I need to enable remote authentication for my MongoDB, so that it can only be seen by registered user. Once installed Mongo, I have run these commands:

> use admin
switched to db products
> db.createUser({user: "userAdmin", pwd: "admin1234", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]})

This is my /etc/mongod.conf":

dbpath = /var/lib/mongodb
logpath = /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
logappend = true
port = 27017
bind_ip =,SERVER_IP
auth = true

If I try to connect with RoboMongo, I get this message

YES - Connected to SERVER_IP
NO - Authorization failed

If I try to access it from my browser ( http://SERVER_IP:3000/products ) I get this message:


If I change the configuration file this "auth = false" from the browser I can see this (which is correct)


But I can not login, someone can help me?

Via Robomongo.org homepage :

Note: We are working on an update with MongoDB 3.0 compatibility for the upcoming Robomongo 0.9.x release series.

Robomongo is currently on version 0.8.5 which only supports MongoDB 2.2

mongo 2.6 uses MONGODB-CR auth protocol and 3.0 uses MONGODB-SHA-1 by default. the work around would be to create your databes with a server running auth and version 2.6 then upgrade to 3.0 because both authMechanism can co-exist. Any user created with MONGODB-CR will continue to use that authentication as long as you do not run a authSchemaUpgrdae after you have upgraded to 3.0.

PS. robomongo and older versions of drivers uses MONGODB-CR.

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