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TCL split a string

I am a newbie in TCL and was writing a script where i was trying to figure out a way to split a string using a certain character. For example I have a string like "name1,name2,name3" and then I want to have a for loop which will go through each of the names one at a time and run a command. Is it possible the for loop can split the string and do certain work with it or do i have to split the string (where each "," located) first then have a for loop?

I saw the range option but im never sure on how long the name might be

Pretty straightforward:

set names "name1,name2,name3" 

foreach name [split $names ,] {
    puts $name


Particularly note the synopsis of foreach , where the 2nd arg is a list

foreach varname list body

and the description of split :

Returns a list ...

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