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How to enter SVN credentials into Jenkins without using UI?

When configuring a build job for the first time that uses Subversion for SCM you get an error that looks like this:


I'm aware that to enter my credentials I simply need to use this url. http://< my-server >/scm/SubversionSCM/enterCredential

But I'm trying to completely automate the set up/configuration of my jenkins server. Is there a way to give jenkins svn credentials without having to access the UI?

My jenkins server is on Windows and is the latest version. Subversion is on linux.

Edit: I've come across a screenshot online similar to the one above except the is a Credentials field! Does anyone know why I can't see this field . Here is the url of the image http://michal.karzynski.pl/images/illustrations/2014-04-19/jenkins-source-code-management-configuration.png



this can provide credentials to svn repo.

what actually you gonna do? just access the SVN or looking for the SVN SCM change or any other. simply enter password i don't forsee a need of jenkins plugin

The solution is to create some "domain credentials" in the "Manage credentials" section (admin part: http://<server>:8080/credentials/ ):


One way around this is to use the Subversion command line. Jenkins doesn't need the command line client and you might have to install it.

However, for a particular repository, do a checkout of a project via the command line with the user you want to use. Then, say "Yes" when Subversion asks if you want to cache the credentials.

When Jenkins does a checkout, it will use these cached credentials if you didn't specify a particular Jenkins credential to use. This works per Subversion repository.

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