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click event of WindowsFormsControlLibrary button in MFC Dialog based app

I'm using some Windows Forms Control Library elements in my app.

My question is:

How to perform button click event which this element comes from Windows Forms Control Library?

So, I can get *library* textbox value in ProgramDlg.cpp file like this:

void CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
    // m_ctrl1.GetControl()->button1->Click(); 
    // how can I write this above line to perform click event?

I defined m_ctrl1 in ProgramDlg.h :

// .... 
        CMFCApplication1Dlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL);  // standard constructor
        // Data member for the .NET User Control:
        CWinFormsControl<WindowsFormsControlLibrary1::UserControl1> m_ctrl1;
// ....

ps sorry for my bad english.


I solved my problem by visiting this link .

Hope to be useful for other developers.

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