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How can I redirect a static url to a dynamic one via HTACCESS?

How can I redirect www.domain.com/sitedomain to www.domain.com/dir/directory/sitedomain.htm through htaccess?

Example is:

www.domain.com/google.com -> www.domain.com/dir/directory/google.com.htm

Any easy way to do this?

You can give the following rules a try:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([^/]+\.(com|net|info|io|in|cz|org))$ /dir/directory/$1.htm [L,QSA]

You can replace [L with [L,R if you want to redirect users as well. You can add more subdomains to the list above by editing the part (com|net|info|io|in|cz|org) .

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