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How to rename or move a file in Google Cloud Storage (PHP API)

I am currently trying to rename and/or move a cloud storage file to another name/position, but I can't get it to work. I am using https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client as client, the uploads works fine with:

$storageService = new \Google_Service_Storage( $client )
$file = new \Google_Service_Storage_StorageObject()
$file->setName( 'test.txt' );
        'name'          => $filename,
        'data'          => file_get_contents( $somefile )

So I have tried to change a filename by the $storageObject->objects->update() method, but I cannot find any documentation on this. I used $storageService->objects->get( $bucketName, $fileName ) to get a specific file I wanted to rename (with $file->setName()), but it seems I just cannot pass the file to the objects->update function. Am I doing it wrong?

Ok, it seems I cannot directly rename a file (please correct me if I'm wrong), I could only update the metadata. I managed to get it to work by copying the file to a new filename/destination and then delete the old file. I successfully used $storageService->objects->copy and $storageService->objects->delete for this. This doesn't feels right but at least it works.

As this is not very well documented with google, here a basic example:


//Get client and auth token (might vary depending on the way you connect to gcs – here with laravel framework facade)
//DOC: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/json-api-php-samples
//DOC: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/php/auth/service-accounts
//Laravel Client: https://github.com/pulkitjalan/google-apiclient 
//Get google client
$gc = \Google::getClient();
//Get auth token if it is not valid/not there yet
//Get google cloud storage service with the client
$gcStorageO = new \Google_Service_Storage($gc);

//GET object at old position ($path)
//DOC: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/objects/get
$oldObj = $gcStorageO->objects->get($bucket, $path);

//COPY desired object from old position ($path) to new position ($newpath)
//DOC: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/objects/copy
    $bucket, $path, 
    $bucket, $newpath,

//DELETE old object ($path)
//DOC: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/objects/delete
$gcStorageO->objects->delete($bucket, $path);

I found that when using gcutils in conjunction with PHP, you can execute pretty much every php file command on app engine. Copy, delete, check if file exists.


        $old_path = "gs://$bucket/{$folder}/$old_temp_file";
        $new_permanent_path = "gs://$bucket/{$folder}/$new_permanent_file";

        copy($old_path, $new_permanent_path);  



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