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How to download a large private file from Google Storage API with PHP?

I'm trying to allow download of large files to clients, from Google Storage API behind an authenticated PHP.

I was able to read/download small files using the following code:

$object = $storage->objects->get($bucket, 'filename');
$request = new GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('GET', $object['mediaLink']);
//authorize the request before sending
$http = $client->authorize();
$response = $http->send($request);
$body = $response->getBody()->read($object->getSize());

$body will have the entire content of the file, but some of those might be 1gb size.

Tried using:

$stream = Psr7\stream_for($response->getBody());

But it doesn't work.

How would I be able to stream the download of the file to the client without loading it in memory?


考虑向客户端发送一个已签名的URL,以便直接从Google Cloud Storage提供内容,而不是尝试自己代理下载的整个文件。

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