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ReverseMap in Automapper using alternate naming conventions

Here is my mapping config:

Mapper.Initialize(config =>
    config.SourceMemberNamingConvention = new LowerUnderscoreNamingConvention();
    config.DestinationMemberNamingConvention = new PascalCaseNamingConvention();
    config.CreateMap<Rotator_Ad_Run, RotatorAdRunViewModel>()

And the simplified classes:

public class Rotator_Ad_Run
    public DateTime Start_Date { get; set; }
    public DateTime End_Date { get; set; }
    public bool Enabled { get; set; }

public class RotatorAdRunViewModel
    public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
    public bool Enabled { get; set; }

The mapper is mapping from Rotator_Ad_Run to RotatorAdRunViewModel but when reversed, it only maps the Enabled property. It works when I explicitly map the values using .ForMember() .

Is there anything I need to do to let Automapper know that the naming conventions need to be reversed?


I'm trying to find a workaround using Profiles, but those don't seem to work either...

Mapper.Initialize(config =>


internal class ModelToViewModel : Profile
    protected override void Configure()
        SourceMemberNamingConvention = new LowerUnderscoreNamingConvention();
        DestinationMemberNamingConvention = new PascalCaseNamingConvention();

        this.CreateMap<Rotator_Ad_Run, RotatorAdRunViewModel>();
internal class ViewModelToModel : Profile
    protected override void Configure()
        SourceMemberNamingConvention = new PascalCaseNamingConvention();
        DestinationMemberNamingConvention = new LowerUnderscoreNamingConvention();

        this.CreateMap<RotatorAdRunViewModel, Rotator_Ad_Run>();

The ModelToViewModel profile works, but the ViewModelToModel does not.

Here's a workaround (at least until the bug is fixed):

Mapper.Initialize(config =>
    config.ReplaceMemberName("_", "");
    //Map as normal


The profiles solution works. See Automapper: How to leverage a custom INamingConvention? and the github issue for a passing test.

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