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MEF ImportingConstructor ImportMany with Metadata

I'm using MEF to import many (with metadata) in a constructor. I've followed a video tutorial to try to mimic it but so far it's not quite working. Briefly, I have re-named some things and summarized, but:


public abstract class AbstractImportMe{



class ImportMe : AbstractImportMe



public class SimpleMetadata : Attribute,ISimpleMetadata
    public string Name { get; private set; }
    public SimpleMetadata(String Name)
        this.Name = Name;


public interface ISimpleMetadata
    string Name { get; }


public class Catalog

    public IEnumerable<Lazy<AbstractImportMe, ISimpleMetadata>> imports = null;

    /*this runs but the imports field has 0 parts*/
    public Catalog([ImportMany] IEnumerable<Lazy<AbstractImportMe, ISimpleMetadata>> imports)
        this.imports = imports;

    /* this code works, but it lacks metadata
    public IEnumerable<AbstractImportMe> imports= null;

    public Catalog([ImportMany] IEnumerable<AbstractImportMe> imports)
        this.imports = imports;

Then I call this code:

AggregateCatalog catalog = new AggregateCatalog(newAssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location));
CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
Catalog catalog = container.GetExportedValue<Catalog>();

The code runs, but I don't get any catalog.imports. When I look at the catalog there's 1 Catalog exported and an AbsractImportMe.

As pointed out before, when I exclude the metadata from the import it works fine. So I think I have made a mistake somewhere in regards to the metadata.

I found the issue, I needed to add a metadata tag to the base class to keep the signature consistent. Since the export is inherited it keeps the signature.

public abstract class AbstractImportMe{


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