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Error uploading S3 Object with Server Side Encryption using Amazon KMS

I am getting the following exception when trying to reproduce the sample code Amazon provides for uploading S3 objects to be server side encrypted using Amazon KMS (key management service):

com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: please use region-specific endpoint to access buckets located in regions that require V4 signing.
Caused by: com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: Requests specifying Server Side Encryption with AWS KMS managed keys require AWS Signature Version 4. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidArgument;

The code used is:

public void uploadServerSideEncryptedFileToS3( String bucketName , String key , String sourceFilePath , String masterKey ) {

    awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials( awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey );
    PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest( bucketName,
                key , new File( sourceFilePath ) ).withSSEAwsKeyManagementParams( new SSEAwsKeyManagementParams( masterKey ) );

    ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
    clientConfiguration.setProtocol( Protocol.HTTPS );

    AmazonS3 connection = new AmazonS3Client( awsCredentials , clientConfiguration );
    connection.setRegion( com.amazonaws.regions.Region.getRegion( Regions.US_EAST_1 ) );
    PutObjectResult response = connection.putObject( putObjectRequest );

Here is the code I used for S3 upload

public void testNoMetaData() {
    AWSCredentials awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey);
    AmazonS3 amazonS3 = new AmazonS3Client(awsCredentials);

    byte[] bytes = content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
    InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
    PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, inputStream, metadata);

    putObjectRequest.withSSEAwsKeyManagementParams(new SSEAwsKeyManagementParams(awsKmsKeyId));

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