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How to mock a service or stub a service method in a Spring Boot filter using Spock?

Currently i have a filter in my Spring Boot application that uses a Spring service to do some of the heavy lifting stuff..

public class HmacAuthenticationFilter implements Filter {

    MyService myservice

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

In my Spock test I would like to mock the entire service that the filter uses or stub the myservice.callMethod(); to return a specific value.

Any hints on how this could be done?

It could be done using HotSwappableTargetSource


class HelloSpec extends Specification {

HotSwappableTargetSource swappableHelloService

def "test mocked"() {
  given: 'hello service is mocked'
  def mockedHelloService = Mock(HelloService)

  //hit endpoint
  and: 'check interactions'
  interaction {
      1 * mockedHelloService.hello(postfix) >> { ""Mocked, $postfix"" as String }
  postfix | _
  randomAlphabetic(10) | _

And this is TestApp (override the bean you want to mock with proxy)

class TestApp extends App {

//override hello service bean
@Bean(name = HelloService.HELLO_SERVICE_BEAN_NAME)
public ProxyFactoryBean helloService(@Qualifier("swappableHelloService") HotSwappableTargetSource targetSource) {
def proxyFactoryBean = new ProxyFactoryBean()

public HotSwappableTargetSource swappableHelloService() {
  new HotSwappableTargetSource(new HelloService());

Have a look at this example https://github.com/sf-git/spock-spring

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