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how to configure dynamic inbound for Spring integration mail?

I am new in spring mail integration, and bellow i put my configuration for mail:inbound-channel-adapter . But i want that the attribute store-uri to be dynamique, and i can update it from my Java controller. Because this attribute is not constante in my context of application.

<int-mail:inbound-channel-adapter id="pop3ShouldDeleteTrue"
        <!-- Will poll every 20 seconds -->
        <int:poller fixed-rate="20000"/>

The URL is a final field in the inbound adapter (actually an ImapMailReceiver component passed into a MailReceivingMessageSource ) so it can't be updated.

The only way to change the URL would be to rebuild both classes and inject them into the SourcePollingChannelAdapter that represents the inbound adapter.

However, that won't be thread-safe so I don't think it's safe to do that in a web container.

It's probably easier to simply construct an ImapMailReceiver on-demand and call the receive() method, then use a MessagingTemplate to send the message to a channel.

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