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Nodejs module function returns undefined, not asynchronous

Pretty (very) new to Node so this is probably stupid. I have a module that defines various routes that I iterate over to define the app's routes. This works fine.

While setting up the route I want to call a function checkAvailableTranslation in another module language that checks whether a translation of that page exists in another language ( req.locale being the user's favoured language that we are trying to find a match for), and if so return a URL fragment for it.

The strings object is loaded from a json file and contains an item translations that is an array of ISO country codes mapped to URL fragments.

** app.js **

var routes = require("./config/routing.js")
routes.forEach(function(item) {
    item.routes.forEach(function(route) {
        app.get(route.path, function(req, res) {
            var strings = require(route.strings)
            translations = language.checkAvailableTranslation(req.locale, strings.translations))
            console.log(translations) // undefined?!?!?!?!
            res.render(route.render, {
                layout: route.layout,
                strings: strings

** strings.translations **

    { "fr": "/fr" },
    { "ar": "/ar" },
    { "es": "/es" },
    { "pt": "/pt" },
    { "de": "/de" }

** language.js **

module.exports = function() {
    var module = {}

    module.checkAvailableTranslation = function(language, translations) {
        translations.forEach(function(el) {
            if( el[language] ) {
                console.log(el[language]) // this logs a matched language
                return el[language] // this disappears into the ether
    return module

So everything generally behaves as expected with translations.forEach iterating successfully and finding matches. However it doesn't seem to return the value back to app.js - when I output the function's return I get undefined .

Does the fact that strings is being loaded from a json file make this an asynchronous call, as if it were a database? If so (and that would need explaining), what should I be doing here to set up a promise to deal with this?

You're returning from the forEach callback which is not possible. You need to iterate manually over the array or write the result into a variable in the scope of your checkAvailableTranslation method(but still iterate over all items in translations ).

Manual "forEach"

module.checkAvailableTranslation = function(language, translations) {
    for (
        var i = 0, translation = translations[i][language];
        i < translations.length;
        i++, translation = translations[i][language]
    ) {
        if (translation)
            return translation;

Or using Array.prototype.some

function (language, translations) {
    var res;
    translations.some(function (translation) {
        return !!(res = translation[language]);
    return res;

EDIT: Ninja approach :

function n(l,t,i){return t[i|0][l]||g(l,t,(i|0)+1)}

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