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How to get value from form in the html page's variable

I am creating a small webpage which contains a drop down. So a user can select a value from it. This is in a form. When the user selects a value from it say value "A", based on that I want to do a database query say, Select * from Table where value = 'A'. And display the result on the same page, preferably without full page reload.

I can access the value of the dropdown selected in javascript method by calling a method onchange event and doing document.getElementById on it.

How should I pass the value in a variable on the same html page, so that I can send the value to the database?

Thanks for your replies in advance.

This question itself is very vague, but I'll do my best.

You first need (if you don't already have) something server-side that can accept the incoming parameter and return the results from the database. eg /some/service/?param=DROPDOWN_VALUE_HERE . Ideally you would hit this service and receive back JSON/XML (something you can work with in the client).

Next, given you don't want a page reload, you need to look into how to leverage AJAX with reaching out to that service and dealing with the results. You should be able to send a request to the service (with the dropdown's value) and receive back something that would allow you to modify the page in a seamless way.

Use AJAX to send a POST request to the server asynchronously.

Using jQuery :

var value = 'A';
// make an HTTP POST request to the 'submit' route on your server
$.post('submit', {value: value})
 .done(function(data) {
     alert('Server response: ' + data);

On the server side, you need to handle the POST request to the 'submit' route and make your database call, and send back a response if necessary.

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