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ios cell filling design pattern

I have a collection cell which used in multiple screens and setting lots of data in it. Which approach is better, setting data in UIViewController or in UICollectionviewCell? I didn't see second much but i don't know how to find right design pattern for this. As example:


@implementation ProductViewController:UIviewController
  -(UICollectionviewCell*)CellForIndexpath:(UIcollectionview*) collectionview..{
      myCell *cell=[collectionview dequecellwithcellidentifier:@"cell"];
      Product *pr=[datasource objectAtIndex:indexpath.row];
      [cell.imgCover setimage:pr.image];
      return cell;


@implementation ProductViewController:UIviewController
  -(UICollectionviewCell*)CellForIndexpath:(UIcollectionview*) collectionview..{
      myCell *cell=[collectionview dequecellwithcellidentifier:@"cell"];
      Product *pr=[datasource objectAtIndex:indexpath.row];
      [cell initProduct:pr];
      return cell;
@implemeantation myCell:UICollectionviewCell{
     [self.imgCover setimage:pr.image];

Your cell (which is a view), should not be aware of your model. If we'll take a look on your second approach:

   @implemeantation myCell:UICollectionviewCell{
       [self.imgCover setimage:pr.image];

In that case, you view and model are aware of each other.

My suggestion is - everything regarding the view itself (text size, color, font etc.) you should do in your UICollectionViewCell initialization, and everything regarding the data should be placed in your UIViewController.

Check: http://www.objc.io/issue-1/lighter-view-controllers.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_concerns

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