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XAML -> C# Update a Text property from Resources in C#

I had a TextBlock in Xaml to display a title. I used to set a x:Uid="MyTitle" , describe in a resources file. But now, my title can change. I try to bind on a title variable in my .cs (and we can't bind on ax:Uid).

So ! I try to change my title directly on the C# and... I failed. Here's my idee :

My Tree

     "Mytitle_1.Text", "This is my first title"
     "Mytitle_2.Text", "This is the other one"


<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" x:Name="Exemples" FontSize="20" Margin="20, 0, 20, 0" LineHeight="25" MaxLines="2" FontFamily="Segoe UI Light" Height="65"/>


private string GetResources(string key)
   ResourceLoader rl = ResourceLoader.GetForCurrentView("../Resources");
   string resources = rl.GetString(key);

   return resources;

private void ChangeTitle()
  if (something)
   Exemples.Text = GetResources("Mytitle_1");
   Exemples.Text = GetResources("Mytitle_2");

I find the problem. I just use my key like "Mytitle_1" or "Mytitle_1.Text".

All I needed is that :

private string GetResources(string key)
   ResourceLoader rl = ResourceLoader("../Resources");
   string resources = rl.GetString(key);

   return resources;

private void ChangeTitle()
   if (something)
   Exemples.Text = GetResources("Mytitle_1/Text");
   Exemples.Text = GetResources("Mytitle_2/text");

Voila !

ResourceLoader loader = new ResourceLoader();

private void ChangeTitle()
   if (something)
      Exemples.Text = loader.GetString("MyTextInResources1");
      Exemples.Text = loader.GetString("MyTextInResources2");

and in your resources file donot add .Text to your string, it is only added for xaml controls.

so in your resources file simply add a new row as

MyTextInResources1     your string to be displayed

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