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javafx 8 order children in custom control

I'm writing a custom control which displays an error icon and a message in a tooltip if the validation in a form fails. My version without the custom control looks like this:

    <TextField fx:id="name"></TextField>
    <Label fx:id="error" focusTraversable="false" visible="false">
            <ImageView fitHeight="24.0" fitWidth="24.0" pickOnBounds="true" preserveRatio="true"/>
            <Tooltip fx:id="errorTooltip"/>

The result is this:


My efforts to create a custom control lead to this:

<fx:root type="javafx.scene.layout.HBox" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml">
    <Label fx:id="error" focusTraversable="false" visible="false">
            <ImageView fitHeight="24.0" fitWidth="24.0" pickOnBounds="true" preserveRatio="true"/>
            <Tooltip fx:id="errorToolTip"/>

This is the code behind the fxml:

package control;

[imports omitted for brevity]

@DefaultProperty(value = "children")
public final class ValidatedControl extends HBox implements Initializable {

    private Label error;
    private Tooltip errorToolTip;
    private StringProperty errorToolTipProperty;

    public ValidatedControl() {
        final FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("ValidatedControl.fxml"));
        try {
        } catch (IOException exception) {
            throw new RuntimeException(exception);

    public void setErrorToolTip(final String errorToolTip) {

    public String getErrorToolTip() {
        return this.getErrorToolTipProperty().getValueSafe();

    public void initialize(final URL location, final ResourceBundle resources) {

    public StringProperty getErrorToolTipProperty() {
        if (this.errorToolTipProperty == null) {
            this.errorToolTipProperty = new SimpleStringProperty();
        return this.errorToolTipProperty;

I can use the control in fxml but the child component I add is always the last child which means the error icon is displayed to its left.


My control is used like this:


How do I get it to display the icon on the right side?

Now I do understand your problem. This might not fix your problem when you add your ValidatedControl in FXML, but when you do it programmatically try this:

ValidatedControl vc = new ValidatedControl();
TextField textField = new TextField();

Another way would be to go ItachiUchiha's way and add a Pane in your FXML as first child. But instead of overwriting the getChildren() method, write a new Method addNode(Node n) and add the node to the Pane.

forget about my first answer ;)

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