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Difficulty in using execve

I am trying to execute "word count" command on file given by absolute path - "/home/aaa/xxzz.txt" . I have closed the stdin so as to take input from file but the program doesn't give any output . Also if I add some statement after "execve" command, it is also getting executed . Shouldn't the program exit after execve ?

 int main()
char *envp[]={NULL };

int fd=open("/home/aaa/xxzz.txt",O_RDONLY);


char *param[]={ "/bin/wc",NULL } ;


Probably wc does not live in /bin (except for some systems which symlink that to /usr/bin , because wc normally lives in the latter). If I change the path in your example to /usr/bin/wc , it works for me:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

    char *envp[] = {NULL};

    int fd = open("/home/aaa/xxzz.txt", O_RDONLY);


    char *program = "/usr/bin/wc";
    char *param[] = {program,NULL};
    execve(program, param, envp);

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