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How to get pixels from Gtk.DrawingArea?

I'm writing a simple paint like application:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from gi.repository import Gtk

class Application(Gtk.Window):

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL, title='paint')
        self.connect('destroy', self.__on_destroy)
        vbox = Gtk.VBox()
        drawing_area = Gtk.DrawingArea()
        drawing_area.conenct('draw', self.__on_draw)
        vbox.pack_start(drawing_area, True, True, 2)

    def __on_draw(self, widget, g):
        g.set_source_rgb(200, 0, 0)
        g.move_to(16, 0)
        g.line_to(16, 32)

    def save_to_file(self, filename):
        # How to get pixels from drawing_area?

    def __on_destroy(self, e):

app = Application()

Now I want to save user drawing. How can I access pixels inside Gtk.DrawingArea widget?

Quote from this following SO link

Gtk.DrawingArea derives from Gtk.Window .Hence you can use Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window() to get the contents of the drawing area into a GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf and then use the GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.savev() function to write the pixbuf as an image on disk.

You can follow the link for complete code.Also this link can also help you.

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