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select all anchor tags having onclick using xpath

I want to select all anchor tags on a web page having 'onClick' function defined as an attribute using XPATH. The web page i am targeting has anchor tags like this

<a href="status.php?op=del&amp;status_id=2" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?')">Delete</a>

After a lot of searching I found following potential solutions but none of them seem to work. I have tried (and failed)

./*[onclick]  #this should have selected all nodes with onclick function

I also tried


but this only returns the onclick function definition where as i want the entire anchor tag.

Question: How do i get all the anchor tags that have onclick function defined as an attribute using XPATH?

The XPath //a[@onclick] should work.

Try executing this in the console of your browser to alert each anchor:

  var withOnclick = document.evaluate('//a[@onclick]', document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
  var anchor = withOnclick.iterateNext();
  while (anchor) {
    anchor = withOnclick.iterateNext();


Finally i was able to do it using


Earlier i was applying this on incorrect response object and hence was not able to get the links. To add further, to get the 'url' values one could do:


this will return the list of all the links that belong to an anchor tag having 'onclick' function defined as an attribute.

Thanks for your answers.

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