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Lua syntax highlighting in KDevelop

Does anyone know how to fix the Lua syntax highlighting in Kdevelop. The # symbol used to get the length of a table causes the remainder of the line to appear as if it is commented out.

t[ #t+1] = "foo"

I don't know anything about Lua so I can't give you specific code, but to fix the highlighting you'd have to edit the KatePart Lua syntax highlighting file, located at $KDEDIR/share/apps/katepart/syntax/lua.xml (on my system $KDEDIR is /usr/kde/3.5). You can find a description of the XML format at http://kate-editor.org/article/writing_a_kate_highlighting_xml_file ... they're not the clearest directions but I haven't found anything else equivalent. Thankfully there are plenty of examples included with KDE.

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