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Logstash JSON Parse - Ignore or Remove Sub-Tree

I'm sending JSON to logstash with a config like so:

filter {
    json {
      source => "event"
      remove_field => [ "event" ]

Here is an example JSON object I'm sending:

      "@timestamp": "2015-04-07T22:26:37.786Z",
      "type": "event",
      "event": {
        "activityRecord": {
          "id": 68479,
          "completeTime": 1428445597542,
          "data": {
            "2015-03-16": true,
            "2015-03-17": true,
            "2015-03-18": true,
            "2015-03-19": true

Because of the arbitrary nature of the activityRecord.data object, I don't want logstash and elasticsearch to index all these date fields. As is, I see activityRecord.data.2015-03-16 as a field to filter on in Kibana.

Is there a way to ignore this sub-tree of data? Or at least delete it after it has already been parsed? I tried remove_field with wildcards and whatnot, but no luck.

Though not entirely intuitive it is documented that subfield references are made with square brackets, eg [field][subfield], so that's what you'll have to use with remove_field:

mutate {
  remove_field => "[event][activityRecord][data]"

To delete fields using wildcard matching you'd have to use a ruby filter .

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