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How to convert PHP get query to Meteor's HTTP.get()?

I have a sample php query that retrieves data from the API:

$http = new Client();

 $response = $http->get('https://connection.toserver.com', [ 'GetRequest' => [
                      'identifier'  => '123',
                      'identifierType' => 'code',
                     'language' => 'eng',
                     'maxCount' => 1,
                     'contain' => ['name', 'lastname', 'age']
           'headers' => [
                'API-LANGUAGE' => 'eng',
               'API-CALL-NAME' => 'Get', 
               'API-AUTH-TOKEN'  => 'somerandomtoken']

How can I make the same request from a Meteor server-side function using HTTP package? My last attempt looked like this:

getItemByEAN: function(code) {
    check(code, String);
    var x = HTTP.get(url,
         "API-LANGUAGE": "eng",
         "API-CALL-NAME": "Get",
         "API-AUTH-TOKEN": "somerandomtoken"
        data: {
          identifier: code,
          identifierType: 'code',
          language: 'eng',
          maxCount: 1,
          contain: ['name', 'lastname', 'age']

This code resulted in server error "ReferenceError: data is not defined" I am using meteor docs ( http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/http_call ) as a reference but with no success so far.

Thank You in advance

EDIT: I've updated the current meteor example to show full Meteor.methods() section

I don't know what your server expects, but one difference I see is that in php you wrap the data in a "GetRequest" object. Have you tried this:

     "API-LANGUAGE": "eng",
     "API-CALL-NAME": "Get",
     "API-AUTH-TOKEN": "somerandomtoken"
    data: { GetRequest: {
       identifier: 123,
      identifierType: 'code',
      language: 'eng',
      maxCount: 1,
      contain: ['name', 'lastname', 'age']

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