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Coldfusion - Creating SOAP Web Service

Here is the XML format that I'm trying to create a web service for:

  <test a1="a1">
     <e2 a2="a2">

My problem is that I don't know how to create a Coldfusion (cfcomponent) SOAP web service that would conform to the XML format.

This is what I have come up with:

   <cfcomponent style="document" wsversion = 1 >
        <cffunction name="test" returntype="String" access="remote">
            <cfargument type="String" required="no" name="e1"/>
            <cfargument type="xml" required="no" name="e2" />
            <cfreturn "ok">

As you can see, a1,a2 and e3 are left out as I have no idea how to define them in the cffunction, and I'm not sure if making e2 as xml type is correct.

Any help is appreciated.

you have to use

<cfsavecontent variable="textxml">
   <test a1="a1">
     <e2 a2="a2">

and pass the testxml variable to the function as xml type argument.

<cfinvoke method="test" component="compname" xmltest="#textxml#">

no need to send seperate arguments e1 e2...can send testxml variable to the function.

<cfcomponent >
    <cffunction name="test" returntype="String" access="remote">
        <cfargument type="xml" required="no" name="xmltest" />
        <cfset newXML = XMLParse(arguments.xmltest)>
        <cfdump var="#newXML#">
        <cfreturn "ok">

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