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Testing a Java Applet with JUnit

I'm completely new to Java and I'm trying to set up a test for it. But how do I call a method from the test class?

Right now I'm trying with a public method, and making a new instance of the class Hangman, but the call to the method doesn't work.


public class Hangman extends Applet implements ActionListener{
       public String[] getWordArray(){
        /* Enter the wordslist, separated by a | here: */
        String str = "computer|"
                + "radio|"
                + "calculator|"
                + "teacher|"
                + "bureau|"
                + "police|"
                + "geometry|"
                + "president";
        String[] temp;

        /* delimiter */
        String delimiter = "\\|";

        /* given string will be split by the argument delimiter provided. */
        temp = str.split(delimiter);

        return temp;


public class HangmanTest {
    Hangman hangman = new Hangman();

    public void setUp() throws Exception {

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {

    public void testGetWordArray() {
        int expected = 8;
        int actual = hangman.getWordArray().length();
        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);  

You have a syntax error. It is int actual = hangman.getWordArray().length; , not int actual = hangman.getWordArray().length(); . The length of array is an attribute, not a method. All other datastructures (like ArrayList ) have a method for this.

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