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python wordpress xmlrpc. How to pass variable to wp.call

its all about wordpress_xmlrpc for python lets start with code:

wp1 = Client(' http://example.com/xmlrpc.php ', 'username1', 'pass1') wp2 = Client(' http://example.com/xmlrpc.php ', 'username2', 'pass2')

this works fine when I try to add new comment: komment_id = wp1.call(NewComment(post_id, komment)) komment_id = wp2.call(NewComment(post_id, komment))

however I would like to do it randomly, so Im looking for solution to change X to number:

komment_id = wpX.call(NewComment(post_id, komment))

I have tried a lot of options and non of them works:

wpnumber = randint(1,10)
test = str('wp')+str(wpnumber)
komment_id = test.call(NewComment(post_id, komment))

komment_id = %d.call(NewComment(post_id, komment)) % (test)

Fail3: (and all its mutation with " ' ( ) , ( ) ) etc.
komment_id = test + .call(NewComment(post_id, komment))

komment_id = wp+wpnumber+.call(NewComment(post_id, komment))

To be honest, I tried 10 different ways with %s with %d, joining variables, spliting everything...

Anyone Could Help?

This is not possible using string concatenation. The test variable which you are using must have exactly the same type as wp1 or wp2 , which cannot be generated using string concatenation.

You can do it like this. Store the randint(1,10) in a number and check that number through all the options.

number = randint(1,10)
if (number == 1):
    test = wp1
elif (number == 2):
    test = wp2

This will ensure both, randomness and that your test variable is of the same type( Client ) as wp .

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