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I want to write PHP code for a Smarty .tpl file

I want to write PHP code for a Smarty .tpl file. But it is giving me the following error:

Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "./templates/register.tpl" on line 185 "{php}" unknown tag "php" <-- thrown in /opt/lampp/htdocs/Smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 185

When I Google it, I realized it's deprecated and not recommended to use. What should I do now? I want to show drop down with the security question in it.

Not sure what Smary is or how it is used, but what I get from documentation is that {php} is deprecated.


回传{$foo} tpl文件中的$ foo变量

You should make changes in smarty_securoty.php and make

public $allow_php_tag = false; to

public $allow_php_tag = true;

it allow PHP Code in .tpl file

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