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Issues with .TPL file with Smarty

I use PHP Melody on my site and I don't know how can I make one thing.

I have this code to print on index 30 post:


{get_advanced_video_list assignto="new_videos" limit="30"}  
{foreach from=$new_videos key=k item=video_data}

I need after 5 post to put a div ( div class="thumb-holder" )

So there should be:

>div class="thumb-holder" post 1 post 2 post 3 post 4 post 5 /div><br>
>div class="thumb-holder" post6 post7 post8 post9 post10 /div><br>
>div class="thumb-holder" post11 post12 post13 post14 post15 /div><br>
>div class="thumb-holder" post26 post27 post28 post29 post30 /div <br>

I tried more things, but nothing has worked. What can I do?

PS: Is a .tpl file so outdated that it no longer works with PHP?

{foreach from=$entries key=i item=topic name=foo}
  {if $smarty.foreach.foo.index == 10}
  {if $topic.topic_style == question}
      <a href="topic.php?id={$topic.id}">{$topic.title}</a>

Here exactly what you wish:

<div class="thumb-holder">
    {foreach from=$new_videos key=k item=video_data name=foo}
        {if $smarty.foreach.foo.index > 1 and $smarty.foreach.foo.index is div by 5}
            <div class="thumb-holder">

To avoid index checking on every loop, use array_chunk to split your array into smaller chunks with exact amount of items you need:

{assign var=video_groups value=$new_videos|array_chunk:5:true}
{foreach from=$video_groups item=video_group}
<div class="thumb-holder">
    {foreach from=$video_group item=video_data key=k}
        <img id="{$k}" src="{$video_data}" /> 

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