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Retrieving profile picture from google and facebook in python-social-auth

How can I retrieve profile picture and date of birth from google and facebook using python-social-auth by extending pipeline? I've read that I can make functions to do so and set path to them but I don't know the attribute names that I must retrieve. Please help!

To get avatars from social login, you need create a pipeline.py file in your app and add this lines to settings.py:


    'apps.users.pipeline.get_avatar', # This is the path of your pipeline.py
    #and get_avatar is the function.

and later add this content to your pipeline.py file

def get_avatar(backend, strategy, details, response,
        user=None, *args, **kwargs):
    url = None
    if backend.name == 'facebook':
        url = "http://graph.facebook.com/%s/picture?type=large"%response['id']
    if backend.name == 'twitter':
        url = response.get('profile_image_url', '').replace('_normal','')
    if backend.name == 'google-oauth2':
        url = response['image'].get('url')
        ext = url.split('.')[-1]
    if url:
        user.avatar = url

Here's what I have used to save pictures for Facebook:

def save_profile_picture(backend, user, response, details,

    if backend.__class__.__name__ == 'FacebookOAuth2':
        up = UserProperties.objects.get_or_create(user=user) #RETURNS TUPLE (instance, created(boolean))
        if not up[0].photo:
            url = 'http://graph.facebook.com/{0}/picture'.format(response['id'])
            response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
            io = BytesIO(response.read())
            up[0].photo.save('profile_pic_{}.jpg'.format(user.pk), File(io))

Save this function into a file, for instance, pipelines.py, and then add the function to your SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE in your settings.

    'projects.pipeline.save_profile_picture', #save facebook profile image,

For Facebook you need to create your own Facebook app. You can only retrieve information and pictures from users who have given you the permission to do so. Same rules more or less apply for Google. Read their API docs for more detail.

The above answers may not work (it did not work for me) as the facebook profile URL does not work anymore without accesstoken. The following answer worked for me.

def save_profile(backend, user, response, is_new=False, *args, **kwargs):
    if is_new and backend.name == "facebook":
        # The main part is how to get the profile picture URL and then do what you need to do
    elif backend.name == 'google-oauth2':
        if is_new and response.get('picture'):

add to the pipeline in setting.py,

SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE+ = ('<full_path>.save_profile')

Just to extend sadat's answer which works perfectly for saving the url. If you are wanting to save the actual image from the url to a django imagefield would need to do the below:

import requests
from io import BytesIO
from django.core import files

def save_profile(backend, user, response, is_new=False, *args, **kwargs):
if is_new and backend.name == "facebook":
    file_name = f"{uuid.uuid4()}.jpeg"
            resp = requests.get(picture_url)
            if resp.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
                fp = BytesIO()
                profile.image.save(file_name, files.File(fp))

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