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ListView Memory Leak Windows Phone 8.1?

I've got a ListView bound to an ObservableCollection of objects(containing image URI's), When I add more items to the ListView I am seeing a massive spike in memory. I think I have narrowed its down to being a problem with the UserModel's imageUri. see below.

public class UserModel : ObservableObject
     private string _imageUri;

    public string ImageUri
            return _imageUri;
            Set(() => ImageUri, ref _imageUri, value);

photo model

public class PhotoModel : ObservableObject
    private UserModel _user;
    private string _imageUri;

    public UserModel User
            return _user;
            Set(() => User, ref _user, value);

    public string ImageUri
            return _imageUri;
            Set(() => ImageUri, ref _imageUri, value);


Xaml Binding of ListView

      ItemsSource="{Binding PhotosCollection}"
      ItemTemplate="{StaticResource MostPopularDataTemplate}"

Listview template

          Source="{Binding ImageUri}"             
          Height="300" />


                         <BitmapImage UriSource="{Binding User.ImageUri}" />

As you can see my ListView data template has two images, one for the actual photo and one for the user. Both are these are showing correctly but when I continue to add more items to the list I am seeing a massive spike in memory.

See image: 高内存配置文件

However if I don't set UserModel.imageUri (UserModel.imageUri is null then for all PhotoModels) I dont see this spike in memory. 低内存配置文件

Both profiles are carrying out the same actions loading the same images (total 15). First photo is with user photos and second screenshot is without.

I think the problem is something to do with PhotoModel having a UserModel and doing Set(...). As you can see from the photos below property change event handler has a count of 140.

资料1 在此处输入图片说明

Most of these are PhotoModels but i only ever have 15 PhotoModels max in the Collection. I do clear and re-add using two extension methods (could thee be causing it).

     public static void Repopulate<T>(this ICollection<T> collection, IEnumerable<T> items)
        foreach (var item in items)

    public static void AddObjects<T>(this ICollection<T> collection, IEnumerable<T> items)
        foreach (var item in items)

I'd really appreciate some advice on how to handle the performance better and if this is a memory leak.

The problem is with how ImageBrush decodes the larger image. You need to set the DecodePixelHeight and DecodePixelWidth of the BitmapImage

Credit: http://timheuer.com/blog/archive/2015/05/06/making-circular-images-in-xaml-easily.aspx

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