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How to create opening splash screen with Mosync

I'm learning Mosync (android,iphone,etc. development tool) and I want to make Android application using HTML+Javascript

Anyone can give me explanation and sample how to make splash screen with Mosync?


I just started also ;).

What I found is description of HybridMoblet.cpp in which you can find how moblet is working and showPage(url) which is used in main.cpp. Look: https://github.com/MoSync/MoSync/blob/master/libs/Wormhole/HybridMoblet.cpp

As I was playing a minute with this code in main.cpp (-> this is the file in your project where everything starts ;)) and I could for example change color of Screen before webview is loaded -> you must wait for NativeUI::WebViewListener::webViewContentLoading described here: http://www.mosync.com/files/imports/doxygen/latest/html/group___native_u_i_lib.html#gac528e65c1e50f2b7968837bd904de613

Hope this helps ;) Good luck

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