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How to query elements within shadow DOM from outside in Dart?

How can I select nodes within shadow DOM? Consider the following example:

structure of "unshadowed" DOM

      #outside shadow


  <!-- OK: querySelect('app-element').querySelect('h2') -->
  <!-- OK: querySelect('app-element h2') -->
  <!-- There is no problem to select it -->
  <h2>app-element > content > h2</h2>


<polymer-element name="ui-button" noscript>
    <!-- FAIL: querySelect('app-element::shadow ui-button::shadow h2') -->
    <h2>app-element > ui-button > h2</h2>

<polymer-element name="app-element" noscript>
    <!-- FAIL: querySelect('app-element::shadow').querySelect('h2') -->
    <!-- FAIL: querySelect('app-element::shadow h2') -->
    <!-- FAIL: querySelect('app-element').shadowRoot.querySelect('h2') -->
    <h2>app-element > h2</h2>

In comments like "OK: querySelect()" I show selectors I've tried to run from outside any shadowed DOM.

I've already read the following article: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webcomponents/shadowdom-201/?redirect_from_locale=ru and based on the fact that it was said in the article, query like: document.querySelector('app-element::shadow h2'); in JS should work as expected. However in Dart it doesn't work.

What do I wrong?

Pseudo selector ::shadow and combinator /deep/ doesn't work on firefox.

Use .shadowRoot

var shadowroot = app-element.shadowRoot;

Update2 (from comments)

If you use a custom main, ensure that Polymer is properly initialized before you try to interact with your Polymer elements (see how to implement a main function in polymer apps for more details).

I usually suggest to avoid a custom main and create an app-element (or whatever name you prefer) and put your initialization code into attached (ensure to call super.attached(); ) or in ready() (doesn't need the super call).


It seems in this case it's not in the shadow DOM but a child.

This should work:


It's only in the shadow DOM when it is within your elements <template>...</template> not when you wrap it in the tag of your custom element.

<polymer-element name="some-element">
    <!-- this becomes the shadow DOM -->
       what gets captureD by the content element becomes a child or some-element
    <!-- these elements here are captured by the 
         content tag and become children of some-element -->
    <div>some text</div>


If you want to search

inside the shadow DOM of the current element


inside the shadow DOM of an element inside the shadow DOM

shadowRoot.querySelector('* /deep/ h2');
shadowRoot.querySelector('ui-button::shadow h2');

from outside the current element

import 'dart:html' as dom;
dom.querySelector('* /deep/ h2');
// or (only in the shadow DOM of <app-element>)
dom.querySelector('app-element::shadow h2');
dom.querySelector('app-element::shadow ui-button::shadow h2');
// or (arbitrary depth)
dom.querySelector('app-element /deep/ h2');

For people wanting an easy to use solution

function $$$(selector, rootNode=document.body) {
    const arr = []
    const traverser = node => {
        // 1. decline all nodes that are not elements
        if(node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        // 2. add the node to the array, if it matches the selector
        if(node.matches(selector)) {
        // 3. loop through the children
        const children = node.children
        if (children.length) {
            for(const child of children) {
        // 4. check for shadow DOM, and loop through it's children
        const shadowRoot = node.shadowRoot
        if (shadowRoot) {
            const shadowChildren = shadowRoot.children
            for(const shadowChild of shadowChildren) {
    return arr

Use it like this:

var nodes = $$$('#some .selector')

// use from a custom rootNode
var buttonsWithinFirstNode = $$$('button', nodes[0])

It will traverse all the elements within the rootNode, so it won't be fast but it is easy to use.

Vanilla only helper function using reduce method

function queryShadow([firstShadowSelector, ...restOfTheShadowSelectors], itemSelector) {
    const reduceFunction = (currShadow, nextShadowSelector) => currShadow.shadowRoot.querySelector(nextShadowSelector);    
    const firstShadow = document.querySelector(firstShadowSelector);
    const lastShadow = restOfTheShadowSelectors.reduce(reduceFunction,firstShadow);
    return lastShadow && lastShadow.querySelector(itemSelector);

and use it like this

const shadowSelectorsArr = ['vt-virustotal-app','file-view', '#report', 'vt-ui-file-card', 'vt-ui-generic-card'];
const foundDomElem = queryShadow(shadowSelectorsArr, '.file-id');
console.log(foundDomElem && foundDomElem.innerText);

This is an old question but I was amazed that there is no general solution (not just in Dart). Let's solve it for all cases !

// query elements even deeply within shadow doms. e.g.:
// ts-app::shadow paper-textarea::shadow paper-input-container
function querySelectorDeep(selector, root = document) {
  let currentRoot = root;
  let partials = selector.split('::shadow');
  let elems = currentRoot.querySelectorAll(partials[0]);
  for (let i = 1; i < partials.length; i++) {
    let partial = partials[i];
    let elemsInside = [];
    for (let j = 0; j < elems.length; j++) {
      let shadow = elems[j].shadowRoot;
      if (shadow) {
        const matchesInShadow = shadow.querySelectorAll(partial);
        elemsInside = elemsInside.concat([... matchesInShadow]);
    elems = elemsInside;
  return elems;

Example to try it out:

  1. Go to Google's text-to-speech demo
  2. Open Console and enter:
let sel = `ts-app::shadow 
textarea = querySelectorDeep(sel)?.[0];
textarea.value = 'If you see this, selector worked.';

Note: This could be solved recursively as well, but I just went with iterative.

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