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Sum all numbers 0 to x that are divisible by y using while loop in python

I need to write a script using a while loop (not using the for function whatsoever) to sum all numbers between 0 and x that are divisible by div1. This is what I have.

def sum_upto_divisible(x,div1):
    while i<x:
        if i%div1==0:

If x = 25 and div1=5, the answer should be 50. My current loop gives me an answer of 30. I understand that the loop is adding until 5, then doubling it. Then it returns to adding 1 to i (now 10) until it hits 15. Then it doubles 15 and the loop ceases. I need to add 5, 10, 15, and 20. How can I fix the loop I have now?

def sum_upto_divisible(x,div1):
    if div1 < 0 :
        div1 = -div1
    while i < x:
        s += i
        i += div1
    return s
def sum_upto_divisible(x, div1):
    return sum([num for num in x if num % div1 == 0])

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