I am very new to MPI programming (like 3 days old). I am now dealing with MPI_ALLREDUCE and MPI_REDUCE. The code below takes a value n and the task of ...
I am very new to MPI programming (like 3 days old). I am now dealing with MPI_ALLREDUCE and MPI_REDUCE. The code below takes a value n and the task of ...
The API's that I am supposed to to use for this are open(), write() and sprintf(). If you are going to post a response of answer please don't recommen ...
https://onlinegdb.com/-9jZX-uU0 [link] I want to have the second line of code to have the user input the Fahrenheit not the Celsius twice. The int ma ...
I'm writing a function in C that reads int values from a given file and counts up by 1 every time a specified number is found. My .txt file being read ...
I used the code: to turn my dataframe column from an object to an int so I can plot it. Doing so has removed all symbols and turned them into empty ...
I've been trying to put every single element of a vector of integers into a string. I want to achieve this by type casting the integers into strings, ...
Read input bytes from a binary file and convert the bytes to the corresponding hex value to derive the final integer, string and float values. Tried ...
When I was running the code for the leetcode question ""Moving Average from Data Stream"". I got a partly different output with the expected: Here is ...
I have a string that needs to be validated that it is of the form of ‘#-#’ where the #s should be unsigned integers. What is the most pythonic way to ...
function sumDigits(num) { // your code here let nums = num.toString(); let sum = 0; for(let i = 0;i<nums.length;i++){ Num ...
the get age function needs y In this program, how do i fix the error: (the file is maintmp.py) ...
I am trying to copy and paste as many rows are selected from one sheet to another and then delete the row after it's moved using loops; but I need to ...
To store the color of a button's text, I have the variable uint32_t textColor set to the value 0xF5CE52 (0d16109138). Now I need to insert this value ...
I have a button that adds + 1 to an Int. I want to be able to access the value of the Int in another struct. Right now I am available to access the In ...
Problem while entering a 3 digit no and getting no result. after entering 123 and when 2 is detected as even, and if user enters 7, it should display ...
Suppose : No = 77 77 in binary [32 bits] : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 1101 I have to swap first and last nibble: i.e : ...
I have the following function: Some of the functions are self-made (strlen = ft_strlen etc). The problem: if I pass in -1 for "start", my program ...
What is the point of format specifier in C if we have allready set the type of variable before printf? For example: Like, it's allready stated wha ...
I tested some code: And I expected to see the result in the variable In the number 10 (since this is the low byte of the type integer ). But the re ...
I wanted to make a little experiment with scanf(). I wanted to read a small (<=255) integer from the user and store it in a char type. I did: I ...