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Handle a table in Selenium Webdriver

I am trying to automate a Test Case, but in one of the steps I have a table and I can´t handle it good.

Looking at the code with the development tools, I see a very large list where all the elements of the table are stored. In this link you can see an image of a small part of the code.


In a certain row of the table is the element "Deadlocked" and I have to check whether in the 2 following rows there are 2 "Nein" (In this case both "Nine" are there)

The thing is that I dont have any ID and I don´t know how to locate this 3 words (Deadocked, Nein, Nein) in the code. Does anybody have any idea I could try? I would really appreciate any help

Thanks a lot Pablo

Firefox webDriver element locator plugin is very easy tool to locate elements in UI just by right clicking on elements. You will be able to get the set of selenium locators to identify elements mentioned.


Find all the elements using className attribute. An example:

List<WebElement> links = driver.findElements(By.className("c"));
links.get(0); //this will give Deadlocked
links.get(1); //this will give Nein
links.get(2); //this will give Nein

Using XPath :

List<WebElement> links = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//tr[@class=\"e\"]/th"));

Using cssSelector :

List<WebElement> links = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("tr[@class=e] > th"));

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