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MySQL: Check if value within group

I have a database with races in. I want to check to see if within a group a column contains a value.

So something like:

SELECT count(*) as total 
FROM table 
WHERE column contains value 'hurdal' 
   OR column contains value 'chase' 
GROUP BY column

Then I can see how many contain that value within the group.

select count(*) as total from table where column in ('hurdal', 'chase') group by column

IN checks the column value is contained within the group specified, thus this will match any row where column is either hurdal or chase .

For more information, the MySQL specific documentation is here , but this is a standard SQL operator so should work on any DBMS.

In MySQL for checking contain you need LIKE operator, Like this:

SELECT count(*) as total 
FROM table 
WHERE column LIKE '%hurdal%' 
   OR column LIKE '%chase%' 
GROUP BY column

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