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How to create an alias in a shell to go to parent directories

I'm wondering how to create an alias with endless arguments for going parent directories without alias name!

Currently I have written this function to achieve it and works perfectly.

b() {
  for (( i=0; i<${#list}; i++ )); do
    cd ..

You can use it like b .. or b ... or b .

The thing I want is that to use it without " b ", just dots! How can we make it dynamically?


Input - Output

.. => cd ../../
... => cd ../../../

Thanks in advance!

If you don't mind having n-1 aliases defined after pressing . n times, add this to your .bashrc :

function update_dots() {
    if [[ "$READLINE_LINE" =~ ^\.(\.+)$ ]]; then
        DOT_CMD="cd ${READLINE_LINE//\./\.\.\/}"
        alias $READLINE_LINE="$DOT_CMD"

bind -x '".":"update_dots"'

It works like this:

[thomas@corellia e]$ pwd
[thomas@corellia e]$ .....
[thomas@corellia tmp]$ pwd
[thomas@corellia tmp]$ alias
alias ..='cd ../../'
alias ...='cd ../../../'
alias ....='cd ../../../../'
alias .....='cd ../../../../../'

I'd just take the safe but boring route and define an alias for each level of dots up to some practical maximum:

for((i=0; i<10; i++))
    alias "$dots=b $dots"

It's not interesting, but it doesn't have any odd side effects either.

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