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Is it possible to use curl_multi_getcontent and CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION together?

I have an asynchronous curl crawler which works well without CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION enabled.

I am trying to limit the amount of data downloaded with CURLOPT_WRITEFUCNTION by stopping any downloads that go over 1mb in size.

The problem I am having is that curl_multi_getcontent($done['handle']) doesn't return any data when I use CURLOPT_WRITEFUCNTION .

I know I can play with the data inside of CURLOPT_WRITEFUCNTION 's function, but it would make things much easier if curl_multi_getcontent($done['handle']) continued to do it's job in conjunction with CURLOPT_WRITEFUCNTION .

Is it possible to use curl_multi_getcontent and CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION together?

The answer to my own question is this:


When you specify another WRITEFUNCTION, you override CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER and thus have to RETURNTRANSFER yourself if that's what you're trying to do.

I wish the php curl package would have thrown an error along the lines of "warning: CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION overrides CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER" but I'm sure they have their reasons for not doing so.

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