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Warning: require_once(../core/Config.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

I have a question about require_once in php.

First this my folder structure:

  • monsite.dev

    • classes

      • Database.inc

      • Users.inc

      • UsersProfile.inc

    • core

      • Config.inc
    • web

      • Index.php
    • tester.php

Database.inc to connect to my database

web/Index.php for home page

tester.php just for testing thing

I use require_once to link file together, which works almost very good except for the tester.php , which keeps telling me "failed to open the stream".

I tried 2 different way in tester.php :

1 - require_once '../classes/database.inc'; (failed to open Database.inc)

2 - require_once 'Users/Nicks/Sites/monsite/classes/database.inc'; (failed to open Config.inc)

But when I use it from index.php (require_once ../classes/database.inc) it works perfectly.

Why is this not working from tester.php while it works from index.php ?

Many thanks for any help.


require_once 'classes/Database.inc';


That is because that is the incorrect path. In tester.php it should be:

require_once __DIR__ . "/classes/Database.inc";

Using ../ goes back up a level. Therefore in your directory structure, you're saying that the classes/ directory is alongside the monsite.dev directory. Not inside it.

When used in index.php , which is in a subdirectory, you have to go back up a level - which is why it works from there.

tester.php & classes directory is on same folder so no need of ../ . Try with -

require_once 'classes/Database.inc';

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