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How to get an img tag with a class name from a link?

I have a search engine which I have been playing with for some time now, and for some time now I wanted to add a new feature: display the article image when searching on my website. See example:

I have some code that I have bin playing around with, but it doesn't work when there are multiple links . Meaning it only displays the images of the first link. The engine has the entire code in a variable.

What I am trying to get is a php/js(jquery) code, that parses a link - provide by the search engine - in the $url variable, that it will search for the a tag within it, the img with the class name article-image . it then display it in the a tag with the id searchimage . Might be better to turn that in a class, but I'll rely on you guys on what is the better option.

External link with the img :

 <a class="article-image" title="Qtox" href="http://i.imgur.com/GePjpxg.png"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/GePjpxg.png" alt="Qtox"> </a> 

The search engine when founded more links, will use the same template, so the code has to be used again and again.

Here is the code I have so far that I have reused so far:

$tagName = 'img';
$articlimageclass = "article-image";

$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = true;

$linkimg = getTags($dom, $tagName);

function getTags($dom, $tagName) {
     $linkimg = get_class($articlimageclass);

     $domxpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
     $newDom = new DOMDocument;
     $newDom->formatOutput = false;

     $filtered = $domxpath->query("//$tagName");
     $i = 0;
     while( $myItem = $filtered->item($i++) ){
         $node = $newDom->importNode( $myItem, true );
     $linkimg = $newDom->saveHTML();
//     return "<b>$html</b>";     

     echo "$linkimg";

I am novice in php and etc. So I hope some of you will help me on this!

I don't work with DOMDocument at all so this is just a guess. You can modify your function a bit to do this:

function makeImageLink($dom, className) {
     $supported_image = array(

     $domxpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
     $newDom = new DOMDocument;
     $newDom->formatOutput = false;

       $filtered = $domxpath->query("//a[class='$className']");
     } else {
       return false;
     foreach($filtered as $a){
       $href = $a->getAttribute("href");
       $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($href, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); // Using strtolower to overcome case sensitive
       if (in_array($ext, $supported_image)) {
         $a->innerHTML = "<img src='$href'>";

To do this in JQuery (in the browser) it would be:

var a = $("a[class='article-image']");
var supportedImages = array('.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png');
$.each(a, function(k, v)){
  var imgType = $(this).substring($(this).lastIndexOf("."));
    $(this).html("<img src='" + $(this).attr('href') + "'>");

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