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Ruby C extension gem doesn't compile at installation

I have a little project that I want to share via a gem. This extension must be compiled on the user system. So the compilation must be done when the gem is installed.

My project is simple:

├── myext.gemspec
├── ext
│   └── myext
│       └── myext.c
│       └── extconf.rb
├── lib
│   ├── myext
│   └── myext.rb
├── Rakefile
└── test

I have checked the extconf.rb and the compilation works if I do

ruby extconf.rb && make

I have a myext.gemspec:

Gem::Specification.new do |s|
  s.name        = 'myext'
  s.version     = '0.0.1'
  s.date        = '2015-04-22'
  s.summary     = "an extension"
  s.description = "an extension that is mine"
  s.authors     = ["cedlemo"]
  require "rake" #for FileList
  s.files       = FileList['lib/*/*.{so}',
  s.extensions = %w(ext/myext/extconf.rb)
  s.add_development_dependency 'rake-compiler', '~> 0' 
  s.license       = 'MIT'

and here is my Rakefile :

require "rubygems"
require "rake/extensiontask"

spec = Gem::Specification.load('myext.gemspec')

Rake::ExtensionTask.new "myext", spec do |ext|
  ext.lib_dir = "lib/myext"

When I build my gem, everything is fine :

gem build myext.gemspec

And when I install the gem I havn't any error message:

gem install myext-0.0.1.gem                                                                                                                                          
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed myext-0.0.1
1 gem installed

My problem is that the C code is not compiled and I don't have any .so file installed:

├── ext
│   └── myext
│       ├── extconf.rb
│       └── Makefile
└── lib
    └── myext.rb

PS: I have read a lot of documentations (official or blogs ...) and everybody is doing its own stuff so it is not very clear and I can't find a solution so don't send me link to http://guides.rubygems.org/ for example.

You haven't included the source files in your files part of your gemspec , so there is nothing to compile when installing the gem. Make sure you include all needed files:

s.files = FileList['lib/**/*.rb', 'ext/**/*.{rb,c,h}']

You don't need to include .so files, as they will be built during installation (and might not actually be .so ). Also I don't think you need to add to_a (a FileList basically is an array already).

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