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How to store Access token value in javascript cookie and pass that token to Header using AJAX call

I have a login form, as shown below:

<form method="post" name="logForm" onsubmit="onLogin()" action="dashbooard.html">
    <input type="text" name="email">
    <input type="password" name="pass">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login" >

Now when I click on the Login button, I am authenticated by the server and an access_token is generated and returned back to me via a REST API.

I would like to store that access_token in a cookie and pass that token into a request. But, I don't know how to do this. I would love to receive help on this.

Here is how you can use a cookie for your question regarding the access_token :

1. Storing the cookie on the client:

document.cookie='access_token=[value]' where [value] is the token value.

If we use a reader/writer library that MDN provides here , we can do the above as:

docCookies.setItem('access_token', [value]);

The reason why we would use something like this instead of the standard way is to make it easier to access and delete the token, as demonstrated in #3 below.

2. Passing the cookie back to the server:

We need to send the access_token back to the server through the header.

This should automatically be done for you, assuming that the server sends a response after authentication like Set-Cookie: access_token=[value] .

If for any reason you encounter an issue regarding Access-Control-Allow-Origin , here is an example of how you can set Access-Control response headers for CORS :

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example.com
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization

3. Deleting the cookie:

Using the reader/writer library linked in #1, we can do the following:


Security considerations when using cookies for authorization:

XSS, MITM, and CSRF attack vectors should be considered when using cookies for authorization. On a basic level:

  • For XSS attacks, we can set the HttpOnly flag in the response header by the server to prevent a client side script from accessing the cookie.
  • For MITM attacks, we can use the Secure flag to guarantee the cookie is not sent over an unencrypted HTTP channel.
  • For CSRF attacks, the recommendation by OWASP is the Synchronizer Token Pattern . It's basically a randomly generated token that is sent by the server and is sent back by the client to verify a request submission done by the user.

Try this code

document.cookie="username=John Doe";

A more elaborated answer based on above answers, in the success part of your Ajax call.

 success: function (json) {
                // console.log(json); // log the returned json to the console
                var access_token = json.token;

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