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404 error when i add a new page

I have actually a problem when I want to get a new page in my website. When I am in localhost I have no problem with the page but when I want to get the new page in my prod server, I have a 404 error and I don't understand why :(

I use Symfony2 and my app/config/routing.yml is:

    resource: '@SonataAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing/sonata_admin.xml'
    prefix: /admin

    resource: .
    type: sonata_admin
    prefix: /admin

    pattern:   /logout


    resource: "@KayserPlatformBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /

    resource: "@LiipImagineBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"

and my myBundle/ressources/views/config/routing.yml is:

# faq 
    path:    /faq
    defaults: { _controller: KayserPlatformBundle:Default:faq}

#sonata admin
    resource: '@SonataAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing/sonata_admin.xml'
    prefix: /admin

    resource: .
    type: sonata_admin
    prefix: /admin

    pattern:   /login
    defaults:  { _controller: KayserPlatformBundle:Default:login }

    pattern:   /login_check

    path:    /test
    defaults: { _controller: KayserPlatformBundle:Default:test}

For example, the path /test doesn't work in prod but /fag works well. Does anyone have an idea?

After discussion in comments, the problem was located to be the cache for prod environment.

Solution : Clearing the cache solved the missing routes.

You can see your routes using the symfony2 command: php app/console router:debug

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