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Override generic method in Java enum

In order to offer specific behavior to each instance of an enum for a common public method we could do the following:

public enum Action { 
        void doAction(...){
            // some code

        void doAction(...){
            // some code

        void doAction(...){
            // some code


    abstract void doAction (...);

Is there any way of giving specific implementation to an abstract generic method defined in an enum?


abstract<T> T doAction (T t);

I read in other questions that it shouldn't be possible, but I've been struggling for workarounds and came up with overly complicated contraptions. Maybe generics aren't the right way. Is there an easier way to achieve this?

Yes, you can do it. Just leave the abstract method definition as it is and in each of the enum constants, you have to do something like:

    <T> T doAction(T t) {
        //your implementation

However, please note that the T type-parameter in the a constant is not the same as the T type parameter for the b constant and so on.

When done, you can use it like this:

String string = Action.a.<String>doAction("hello");


Integer integer = Action.b.<Integer>doAction(1);

Explicitly providing the type here is completely optional, as the compiler will infer the resulting type by the type of the provided argument.

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