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Passing VB Callback function to C dll - noob is stuck

Callbacks in VB (from C dll).

I need to pass a vb function as a callback to ac function in a dll. I know I need to use addressof for the function but I'm getting more and more confused as to how to do it.


The function in the dll that I'm passing the address of a callback to is defined in C as :

PaError Pa_OpenStream( PaStream** stream,
                       const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
                       const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
                       double sampleRate,
                       unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
                       PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
                       PaStreamCallback *streamCallback,
                       void *userData );

where the function is parameter 7, *streamCallback. The type PaStreamCallback is defines thusly:

typedef int PaStreamCallback(
    const void *input, void *output,
    unsigned long frameCount,
    const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo,
    PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
    void *userData );

In my vb project I have:

Private Declare Function Pa_OpenStream Lib "portaudio_x86.dll" _
        (     ByVal stream As IntPtr _
            , ByVal inputParameters As IntPtr _
            , ByVal outputParameters As PaStreamParameters _
            , ByVal samprate As Double _
            , ByVal fpb As Double _
            , ByVal paClipoff As Long _
            , ByVal patestCallBack As IntPtr _
            , ByVal data As IntPtr) As Integer

(don't worry if I've mistyped some of the other parameters, I'll get to them later! Let's concentrate on the callback for now.)

In module1.vb I have defined the callback function:

Function MyCallback( ByVal inp As Byte, _ ByVal outp As Byte, _ ByVal framecount As Long, _ ByVal pastreamcallbacktimeinfo As Byte, _ ByVal pastreamcallbackflags As Byte, _ ByVal userdata As Byte) As Integer ' do clever things here End Function

The external function in the dll is called with

err = Pa_OpenStream(    ptr, _
            nulthing, _
            outputParameters, _
            SAMPLE_RATE, _
            FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, _
            clipoff, _
            AddressOf MyCallback, _

This is broken in the declaration of the external function - it doesn't like the type IntPtr as a function pointer for AddressOf.

Can anyone show me how to implement passing this callback function please ?

Many thanks David

这篇MSDN文章将对您有所帮助: 如何从C DLL回调Visual Basic函数

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