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Awk: Remove text after last space in row

I have a tab-delimited text file in the following format.

Col1  | Col2  | Col3
123.0 | 534.2 | Blah0 2031/23/12
23.00 | 786.2 | Blah1 2033/01/01
12.40 | 343.0 | Blah2 2031/27/11

I need to remove all the characters after the space from the last column. So my output would be

Col1  | Col2  | Col3
123.0 | 534.2 | Blah0
23.00 | 786.2 | Blah1
12.40 | 343.0 | Blah2

How should I go about this using Awk or something similar?

With awk:

awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } NR != 1 { sub(/ [^ ]*$/, "", $NF) } 1' filename

That is:

BEGIN { OFS = FS }           # the output should be separated the same way as
                             # the input

NR != 1 {                    # in all lines except the header line:
  sub(/ [^ ]*$/, "", $NF)    # replace the last space and everything after it
}                            # in the last field ($NF)  with the empty string
                             # (i.e., remove it)

1                            # in all lines: print.

If there can be several spaces in the last field and you want to remove everything after the first space, use sub(/ .*/, "", $NF) instead. It wasn't entirely clear in the question what should happen in such a case.

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