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Angularjs 1.3.15 - Updating $scope after Promise Returned

I'm learning angularjs and trying to update nav bar with user name after login, but the user name does not appear. Here is the process I am following:

  1. User logs in successfully.
  2. After 'then' in login promise (to make sure promise is returned), get user profile via factory which returns the user profile.
  3. After 'success' in getting user profile, save profile to $scope.user so that DOM is updated.

Here is HTML for Nav Bar (not sure if it matters but this is placed into index.html using ng-include on page load):

<nav ng-controller="menuController">
    <div class="navbar-header">
        <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.html">
            Admin Site
    <ul >
        <li ><span>Welcome {{ user.firstName }}</span></li>

Here is the menuController js file:

    .controller("menuController", ['$scope', '$auth', '$timeout', '$window', 'toaster', 'Account',
        function UserCtrl($scope, $auth, $timeout, $window, toaster, Account) {

            $scope.user = [];

            $scope.login = function () {
                $auth.login({email: $scope.email, password: $scope.password})
                        toaster.pop('success', "Logged In", "You have successfully logged into the system"); // This fires correctly
                                $scope.user = obj;
                                console.log('User: ' + 
$scope.user.firstName);  //This Works! But user.firstName in HTML is not updated
                    .catch(function (response) {
                        toaster.pop('error', "Login Failure", response.data.message);

HTML from index.html

<div id="wrapper">
        <div ng-include='"templates/navigation.html"'></div>

        <div ng-view></div>

<!-- /#wrapper -->

The problem is that the user.firstName in the navigation bar never updates with the user's first name. Am I missing something?

Thank you for any help!

What does Account.getProfile() return? Is it angular promise or something outside angular framework? Perhaps you should wrap the code inside $apply scope:

        $scope.$apply(function() {
            $scope.user = obj;
            console.log('User: ' + 
            $scope.user.firstName);  //This Works! But user.firstName in HTML is not updated

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